Honesty – Confidentiality – Equality
Bond Securcom Inc. is committed to building and maintaining relationships with all of its stakeholders – customers, employees, suppliers, owners, and members of the public – based on the highest principles of honesty and integrity, and recognizing the right of each stakeholder to be treated fairly and with respect. In light of this commitment, Bond Securcom has established the following Code of Ethics to serve as a guideline for all of its employees, and to serve to create the highest level of expectation amongst is customers, suppliers, and employees with regard to their relationship with Bond Securcom:
1. Honesty
Bond Securcom and all of its employees commit to deal with all stakeholders in an honest, transparent, and forthright manner.
2. Confidentiality
Bond Securcom and all of its employees commit to treat confidential information related to its customers, suppliers, employees, and owners with the utmost care, and agree never to divulge confidential information unless expressly permitted to do so in writing by the owner of the information.
3. Equality and Freedom from Discrimination
Bond Securcom and all of its employees commit to treat all individuals equally and with respect, free from discrimination regardless of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed, age, or disability. Bond Securcom and its management commit to maintain a workplace free from discrimination and harassment.
If an employee has any questions or concerns regarding the requirements, intent, or execution of this policy, they are encouraged to communicate their question or concern to their supervisor or manager, and failing satisfactory resolution, they are urged to escalate the issue to the highest levels of management within the company – up to and including the President. Any stakeholder who believes they have observed behavior in Bond Securcom or its employees or agents which is contrary to this Code of Ethics is strongly encouraged to contact the President of the company with information which will permit the company to conduct a full and impartial investigation.